Millennials Need To Pick Up The Damn Phone
Millennials, more so than older generations, have mastered the countless capabilities of their smartphones – taking photos and videos, editing those photos and videos, booking flights, setting DVRs, posting to Facebook, Snapchatting, Tweeting, gaming, and so forth. Unfortunately, what I’ve found during my years in the professional world is that members of my generation, through […]
LinkedIn Trumps Spammers By Flipping InMail Policy
LinkedIn is preparing to roll out a change to its InMail policy that will have a stifling effect on those who abuse the messaging tool. These changes, which go into effect in January 2015, are aimed at rewarding those who send quality InMails that trigger responses while thwarting the efforts of inbox polluters. Currently, LinkedIn […]
3 Ways Millennials Can Frame Youth And Inexperience As A Professional Advantage
Brian Hart published on At some point or another, every ambitious Millennial will run into a professional age barrier. Whether you are a college grad seeking your first “real” job, a young professional chasing a promotion or a fresh entrepreneur developing a client base, you should be prepared to have your age and experience […]
Don’t Be A Dinosaur
Business development is going through a technology-fueled evolution, yet the professional realm remains littered with organizations and individuals resistant to this transformation. Some call them late adopters, but the term “dinosaur” is also appropriate. Just as the Cretaceous Period saw the abrupt end of T-Rex and his reptilian kingdom, the Digital Age will be unforgiving […]
3 Reasons Why Third-Party Credibility Is Crucial For Advisors
Last month the SEC continued its crawl towards contemporary communications guidelines for investment advisors by allowing the use of third-party social media endorsements. The new guidelines prohibit advisors from cherry-picking endorsements, meaning they may only accept testimonials from sites that allow both positive and negative reviews. For example, advisors are still barred from accepting LinkedIn […]