How A PR Agency Can Turn Your Owned Media Into Earned Media Success
Owned media, or content created and published by your company itself, is already part of many companies’ daily operations. It gives your brand the opportunity to control the narrative about products or services, in addition to establishing your voice within the industry. But where owned media can really shine is when it is transformed into earned media placements with the help of a public relations agency.
Blog Posts
If you host a blog on your company website or frequently churn out relevant content, that can be a first step towards reaching a wider audience. With a PR agency, that particularly compelling blog post can be converted into a media pitch to reporters, especially if it has a unique perspective or angle. PR experts have the ability to transform your owned media into content to put in front of reporters who are looking for industry experts or commentary on recent news and events. Showing that you already have the ability to create the content a reporter is looking for insight into provides them confidence that you can be the source they need for their reporting.
Podcasts Or Visual Content
Using your owned media in the form of podcasts, video, or other audio and visual content, a PR agency can provide producers with a clear preview of what they can expect from you. Leveraging your already existing content, agencies can pitch your expert commentary as an invaluable contribution to their broadcast segment, allowing you to share both insight and your organization’s credentials to more people. Similar to placing your print and online publications in front of more eyes, your unique audio and video content is a valuable piece of owned media that can become a successful part of earned media strategy when in the right hands.
Books And E-Books
Many CEOs or men and women of company leadership teams have published their own books and e-books, so why not capitalize on this already existing wealth of knowledge? Agencies can offer excerpts of published material for inclusion in magazines or online journals, which not only positions your leadership as thought leaders in the industry, but also has the potential to drive more traffic to their publications. These excerpts or previews can also be offered as a way to bolster confidence in your CEO or leader as a reputable contributor and earn them placements as an expert source in print, digital, or broadcast media.
By creating high-quality owned media relevant to your industry, your PR agency can take it to the next level with earned media placements.
Emily Briselli is a public relations and content development intern at Flackable, an award-winning public relations agency representing financial and professional services brands nationwide. To learn more about Flackable, please visit