Brian Hart Published In Entrepreneur: “Publicity Is Not Free Advertising”
Public relations is the most misunderstood function under the marketing-communications umbrella. Even with businesses that have a general understanding of PR, there are still some massive misconceptions. The most troubling one is the idea that it’s all just free advertising. What’s worse is that industry professionals have done little to squash this myth. In fact, many agencies […]
Brian Hart Featured On Growth Now Movement Podcast: “Getting Press & Growing Your Brand”
Flackable Founder & President Brian Hart returns to the Growth Now Movement podcast hosted by Justin Schenck to discuss credibility marketing, cancel culture and the state of journalism. Listen on Apple Podcasts.
Brian Hart Featured In Communication Intelligence Magazine: “Healthy Form of Vulnerability and Empathy for Greater CEO Communications Believability”
CEOs may have not always considered or valued believability in their communication yet that oversight or low priority put on it is problematic, dangerous and not sustainable. CEOs benefit, one expert says, much more from a strong sense of self-awareness and healthy type of vulnerability. “The biggest thing CEOs need to be aware of, especially […]
Brian Hart Featured In Bulldog Reporter: “PR Profiles: A Conversation With Brian Hart, Founder And President Of Flackable”
“I started my career in the boiler room of a small financial services practice making over a hundred cold calls most days,” says Brian Hart, the founder of Flackable, an award-winning PR agency in Philadelphia. For a recent college grad who had just interned at a large PR agency and wanted to get into the industry right away, taking a sales job out of desperation was like being […]
Brian Hart Quoted In PRNEWS: “Twitter’s CEO Shuffle Prompts Conversation On PR During Leadership Change”
How a company conducts and goes through a transition of leadership can have an impact on multiple stakeholders—not just economically but culturally as well. Jack Dorsey, now former-CEO and co-founder of Twitter, took to his digital home on the morning of Nov. 29 to deliver the news that he would be stepping down as top executive […]
Brian Hart Featured On Enterprise Podcast Network: “Credibility Marketing To Fuel Your Growth”
Brian Hart, the Founder and President of Flackable, an award-winning public relations agency in Philadelphia that represents financial and professional services brands nationwide joins Enterprise Radio. Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Brian Hart discuss the following: 1. You work mostly with small businesses in the financial and professional services industries. What is one of the biggest barriers you see […]